For one, good job past me for being strong enough to leave the nest when I did. It was a rough ride. And good for you for hanging in there as long as you did. But lets not get ahead of ourselves. Let's start at the beginning.
So shortly after posting the last time I teamed up with a friend at college to create a Quidditch team. All that money I saved up quickly became the funds for the team. About $750 in total was put into the team if I remember correctly. Then in one of the last games of the season I got a concussion. Of course I didn't want to admit it, but Ron the Rhino hit me on the head with his shoulder, and my good friend Lauren eventually made you go to the hospital. I got diagnosed, got a CAT scan, and went on my way. Little did I know how bad the concussion would be. Three weeks later you got cleared and stupidly rode without a helmet and fell off Cisco at Uncle Bill and Aunt Cindy's house, re-concussing yourself. After diagnosis, a specialist got involved. A YEAR of emotional therapy, cognitive therapy, speech therapy, and coordination skills ensued.
However, through this time, I wasn't allowed to do much, but I got the all clear from the doctor to do Humans Vs. Zombies...Where Trevor and I met. Now if anyone who is reading this blog knows me, they would know that Trevor and I hated each other when we first met. But through HVZ we became friends, and of course, he being oblivious to such things, I had to spell out for him that I liked him. I never thought he would reciprocate my feelings, ever. I believed he was completely out of my league. Little did I know that he thought he would never find a woman that would love him and was content with being celibate for the rest of his life.
He asked my Pap's permission to court me and our relationship started May of 2014. So my knight in shining armor did come. He put up with so much in our first few months, and even up till I moved out. My grandparents made our relationship very hard, trying to use him as a manipulation tactic to get me to do things, make me believe he was a terrible person, tried to wedge us apart, set me up with other people. Not to mention that they were very uncompassionate towards my emotional state during my concussion. While I was recovering, my emotions were all over the place. I would have fits of rage over the simplest things, and the doctor said my emotional problems (depression, anxiety, and panic attacks) would be heightened maybe for the rest of my life. At one point, during the tail end of my recovery, she tried to prep me for the real reality that I would never ride or be able to do competitive sports again if my brain didn't get it's crap together and heal quicker. Anyway, we had tons of fights, my grandparents and I, over grades, clothes, Trevor, and other stupid things. I tried explaining to them about my heightened emotional state, to which they said I was making excuses and expected me to just get over it. I don't know if you, the reader, have ever had a concussion as bad as mine was, but it was a double (maybe triple) lobed double compound concussion. It effected emotions, speech, coordination, reaction time, memory (short and long term), as well as making my depression worse while all the while putting on the pounds. It was a lot to handle while being in a very prestigious college program.
Eventually I had enough, and told my grandparents that if they threatened to kick me out one more time I was going to take them up on the offer. Needless to say, they did, and I had to follow through with my ultimatum. At 12 am on a Thursday, Trevor and his mother came down to Pittsburgh to come take me to their house, where I still reside. A best friend of mine picked me up, and his girlfriend took me to Walmart to buy a bunch of items I would need for the next few weeks until I could convince my grandparents to let me in the house to collect my things. I did eventually get all my items, but I wasn't allowed in the house.
Trevor and I tried to amend things with them before he proposed to me, as we were close to the 2 year anniversary of our relationship by this point, and if you know anything about a courtship, that is already a long time to not be married in courtship rules. We asked them, and made a hard boundary for them to get counseling. Honestly I don't think it helped at all....the one session we went to blew up in our faces and left me more panicked and upset than before the meeting.
As for the concussion, I may be cleared now but it took so much from me. I am now 35 pounds heavier than I was before the concussion, I still have emotional problems and had to be put on an Anti-depressant, my grades slipped and my dream of Veterinarian slipped from me, and I still struggle with coordination issues and migraine headaches to this day. The horrible part of having post-concussion syndrome (as it is called even after you get cleared with recurring symptoms) is that people don't believe you when you say you still struggle with symptoms. Just because I was cleared doesn't mean my brain is at 100%. However, things are looking up for the first time in a long time.
I have a man that I deeply love, that wants the best for me in my life, I am attending Chiro school with the hopes to do Animal Chiropractic eventually on horses and their riders. I found a Quidditch team to join. I FINALLY got my own car AND licence! I know it only took me 22 years to get my licence right? :p And I seem to be doing well in this college. Music is still a part of my life even though i'm not a teacher anymore, and back at Trevor's place I have a job where I feel appreciated and work at during my 3 week breaks, and a horse that I am training, slowly, but training.
On a plus side, I graduated GCC, got my BS degree in Bio and did manage to have my grandparent there with Trevor's family as well.
There are so many more small details I wish I could fill this blog in on that has happened the past 4 years, but they are too many and far between. But I hope to start writing in here more often, about politics, my feelings on school, or just plain life. I know that no one will probably ever read it. But it seems to be a good outlet for me. So if you are a follower of mine, sorry it has been so long for a post! And i'm glad to be back!